miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019

Unit 2: Sensations

  • Do you think you have a good sense of smell?
  • What are your favourite smells?  bread? perfume? 
Meet Hellen Keller, her sense of smell has made a difference to her life:

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Unit 1: Tense revision

Some interesting videos you can watch about Present simple and continuous tense:

Now, let's do some exercises!!

1. Present simple: PS1 - PS2 
2. Present continuos: PC1 - PC2 
3. Present simple vs Present continuous: PS/PC 1  -  PS/PC 3
4. State and action verbs

Some interesting videos you can watch about Past simple and continuous tense:

VIDEO 1             VIDEO 2

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2019

Unit 1 : USED TO


What’s the difference?
  • She used the comic to wrap the sandwich. 
  • She used to read comics when she was a child 
  • She usually reads comics. 
Some exercises:
Let's watch and listen the following song:

What's the title of the song?